Drug and alcohol dependency can significantly affect an employee’s ability to contribute to your company’s success. Addiction can lead to reduced quality, lower productivity, higher health care costs, and increased absenteeism. Depending on the nature of your business, public safety...
Have you already made the decision to conduct drug and alcohol tests for your employees? If you have, you already know that it will require a lot of effort and resources on your side. Setting up your key goals of...
Human Resource professionals serve as trusted advisors providing guidance and insights on a broad range of topics, such as staffing, employee engagement, benefits, and compensation. In terms of staffing, one of the most critical roles of an HR professional is...
Do you still schedule days off for your employees to have them tested for drugs? Now, you have the option of having them tested on-site, and it comes with a lot of perks, too: It can produce results in a...
As an employer, you can implement drug testing as a part of your pre-employment requirements. But, if you really want to keep your workplace clean, it would be helpful for you to put random drug testing into action as it...
For someone who is afraid of needles and injections, they may also suffer from the consequences of not receiving adequate medical care. It may be difficult to land a job as many state and local laws require pre-employment procedures that...
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