Category: blog

Why is Pre-Employment Drug Testing Important?

With instances of drug use and abuse increasing, many employers in the US emphasize on pre-employment drug testing. Illicit drug use and abuse not only affects the mental and physical ability of an individual but also impacts their productivity at...

Workplace Drug Testing: 3 Key Points to Remember

 Have you already made the decision to conduct drug and alcohol tests for your employees? If you have, you already know that it will require a lot of effort and resources on your side. Setting up your key goals of...

What Is Probation Drug Testing?

 Most providers of drug testing services in Arlington, Texas would define probation drug testing as the process where an individual on parole undergoes a drug screening frequently to ensure their adherence to parole terms. These terms are linked with the...

3 Key Reasons Why You Should Get a Flu Shot

Flu season is coming up shortly. While some lucky individuals get through this season flu-free, some are not so lucky.  At MedWay Onsite Health Solutions, Inc., a reputable provider of drug testing services in Arlington, Texas, we recommend that you get...

The Benefits of Promoting Employee Vaccination

 Besides drug testing services in Arlington, Texas, vaccines also play a significant role in promoting wellness in the workplace. After all, there are several potentially life-threatening diseases that can be prevented through vaccinations, such as pneumonia and influenza.  Vaccinations stimulate...

Health Fair: Promoting Health Awareness Improves Quality of Life

 When you invest in your employees’ health and well-being early on, then you will definitely enjoy the number of benefits it can give your business in the future. This is why, besides drug testing services in Arlington, Texas, you need...