Subcontractor What is a subcontractor?

Subcontractor Billing Requirement

The Contractor shall submit any non-electronic payment requests using the method or methods specified in Section G of the contract. ” Incorporation of Certain Provisions of Law.—The provisions of chapter 39 of title 31, United States Code, shall apply to this section in the same manner as if this section were enacted as part of such chapter. Templates are available to download in Word, Excel and PDF format. Whatever your software preference, you can edit your invoices the way that you want to. Most users prefer a Microsoft Word format, for easier editing. You can always save your initial template as a Word Doc in case you want to edit your invoices or add more details in later.

Use our color-coded map to learn more about retainage requirements that may affect your next job. These statutory requirements are reflected in the SBA final rule published at 78 FR on July 16, 2013, which did not exempt acquisitions of COTS items. The Public Inspection pageon offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day’s Federal Register issue. The Public Inspection page may also include documents scheduled for later issues, at the request of the issuing agency. As a Subcontractor, you can use the system to submit a pay application.

Forms & Publications

Like the requirements changing due to project location, above, the rules related to prompt payment requirements can change also based on project type. Further, prompt payment requirements should be understood by both those making payment and by those receiving payment . Since so many construction participants both make and receive payments, this is often important for the same party from both sides. Prompt payment requirements are nearly universal in applicability to construction projects, and accordingly, all construction participants should be aware of them, and be sure to appropriately follow the timing provisions when required. Require each of its subcontractors to include such clauses in their subcontracts with each lower-tier subcontractor or supplier. ADOT must approve a subcontractor before it can begin work on any project.

Subcontractor Billing Requirement

Service companies other than the official contractors will not be allowed to perform any of these exclusive services. Non-exclusive services may be performed by exhibitor-appointed contractors (“EACs”) within certain guidelines. Please refer to the Exhibitor Service Manual for a listing of exclusive services and EAC guidelines.

Payment Terms

A proper invoice must include the items listed in paragraphs through of this clause. If the invoice does not comply with these requirements, the designated billing office must return it within 7 days after receipt, with the Subcontractor Billing Requirement reasons why it is not a proper invoice. When computing any interest penalty owed the Contractor, the Government will take into account if the Government notifies the Contractor of an improper invoice in an untimely manner.

They usually begin to count from when the paying party received their own payment. Federal timeframes for payment are based upon receipt of a payment request. Untimely payment means a payment to a subcontractor that is more than 90 days past due under the terms and conditions of a subcontract for supplies and services for which the Government has paid the prime contractor. Untimely Payment means a payment to a subcontractor that is more than 90 days past due under the terms and conditions of a subcontract for supplies and services for which the Government has paid the prime contractor.

Certified Payroll

Overhead from expensive equipment and supplies, local and state compliance issues, and the necessary insurance to keep everything protected requires considerable cost and a system of required billing documents to keep everything in order. In a credit-heavy industry where slow payments are common, the billing document process must be meticulously maintained. In either case, the subcontractor may eventually recover, but will be in for months if not years of expensive struggle. Clearly the remedies available under the mechanics lien laws are faster and more effective and we always urge our clients to hesitate long and hard before surrendering them or letting their strict time limits expire. Any prime contractor considering withholding such sums has to face the danger of twenty four percent interest payable to the injured contractor plus license problems as well as having to eventually pay the attorney’s fees and costs incurred by the injured subcontractor.

The key is to set up a process that tracks everything from the start of the job. The date that any subsequent payment is reduced under paragraph . An amount of an interest penalty unpaid after any 30-day period shall be added to the principal amount of the debt, and a penalty accrues thereafter on the added amount. On the date of the invoice, if the agency has failed to annotate the invoice with the date of receipt at the time of actual receipt by the place or person designated by the agency to first receive such invoice. Everyone who’s been around for a while in the construction business has a story about not getting paid on time. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable regulatory information on with the objective of establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned publication in the future.